Monday, February 21, 2005

Me & Hunter & the magic of a phone line

It's not a misprint... yes it is 3AM on a Sunday night/Monday morning, but I don't have to work tomorrow so to be perfectly honest, I don't really care. First and foremost, however, I must apologize to my loyal readers for not posting in a couple of weeks, and you must be tired of reading the same bitchy post about the Philadelphia Eagles and how they walked around with not much time left on the clock and it's a matter of pride and all that happy yada yada yada... but for the last two weeks, I've been kinda busy... so without further apologetic absurdity, I'm sorry and shut up.

There is good news, however, and I hope that when you read this, you revel in my enlightenment, good revelry or bad... it doesn't matter to me. To be certain, I hope it is the former, but a wise man once told me that you can't control anyone else's feelings, so worry about your own. Actually, I think it was my Uncle Joe that told me (at a very young age, mind you), "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." So, all joking aside, here's the topic of the rant today. Well, actually, that's a lie. I don't really think that there is a topic, but rather some news, and quite honestly, I don't know a fabulous literary way to phrase this, other than... I've met someone.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I, the confirmed and committed jaded, cynical, sarcastic, annoyed, bitter single guy have met someone wonderful... and it is just indescribable. I'll let that sink in for a minute... on your end and on mine.

Okay... sunk in yet? Apparently it has, because you're still reading. I met someone that makes me feel the way I think you're supposed to feel when you meet someone that you hope makes you feel the way you think you're supposed to feel. If that makes sense, read on. I know I said that it's indescribable a little earlier, but I'll do my best. When I'm around her, I have this feeling that you get when... well, it's kind of a combination of two feelings... it's like when you lean back in a chair, and just before you fall over you catch yourself, and that feeling when you curl up on the couch after a long day and you get the throw pillows just so, where they're just supporting your head in just the right way, and you turn on the TV and there's a Neil Simon movie on. By the way... yes I have throw pillows on my couch, and no, I'm not gay... not that there's anything wrong with that. Regardless... it's that kind of thing... where I'm just myself, and completely comfortable, and I feel safe and warm and cared for and happy that there's this other person around that can elicit these things in me that I thought I locked away somewhere a long, long time ago.

Now that I've gotten the sappy, sensitive, girly stuff out of the way... here's where the story takes a twist. I have seen this person twice in the last 12 years. Again, I know it is 3AM, and again, that's not a misprint... twice in the last 12 years. Actually, three times, but the second time was only for like an hour in an airport when I had a really long layover and the airport was near her house. It's a really long story, and if I write it all out, you're going to be so intrigued that you'll read this post for the rest of the day, you won't get any work done, your boss will fire you, and then I've got that on my conscience. I can't live with that. Now, if you're a girl reading this, and I wrote the whole story, you'd be so romanced by the whole thing, that you'd just break down and cry, because the story is ten times better than any chick flick you've ever rented in your life, and the bonus part is that every word would be true. It's actually pretty unbelievable... but the other side of that coin is that you'd be so overcome with romanticism that you'd cry all day, and your boss would can you like a ham because he couldn't deal with some weepy, sentimental, romanticist broad in his office... so, obviously, it's better for all those involved, either realistically or literarily, that we just move on and have everyone take my word that it's a great story.

First things first... let me get all the administrative bullshit out of the way. Yes, I met her 12 years ago, and in that twelve year interim I've had a few girlfriends. This begs the question... and here is the answer; no, I never cheated on any of you with this person that I just met, or re-met, or whatever the hell you want to call it. There, that's out of the way... please continue to read.

Maybe before I continue this, I should get myself a cocktail... yes, I think I will... please hold.

Aah yes, Bacardi "O" and Sunny D... I figured it's almost time for breakfast, so might as well start the day off right. Shame that I'm out of eggs, sausage and potatos... who am I kidding... none of that stuff has ever been in my domicile.

Anyway... back to the story at hand, although I'm not telling the story. Now... here's the problem... yes, I know it sounds like it's all peaches and cream and everything is perfect right now, but honestly, I've never felt so happy and sad at the same time. Why, you may ask, would I possibly be sad? I have the best job in the world, and someone I think that there could be a really fantastic futre with. Lemme tell ya. She lives 10 hours away. Let me have a sip of my lovely breakfast cocktail whilst I ponder where to go with this post from here.

Couple things... I know I have a rep for falling too hard too fast and if you're one of my loyal readers, you've most likely read the Vegas post and the moving away and leaving someone special behind post, and those are both very true. It's just that... it's a feeling that I can't deny, and I hope and pray that she's out there in the windy city, in her overpriced one-bedroom apartment, staring at the roses that I sent to her office on Valentine's Day, feeling the same thing... and that right now, at 3:41AM, she's snuggled up with the stuffed moose that I bought her at the hockey game I took her to, and she's warm and cozy, and dreaming about taking me to a White Sox/Yankees game.

Ready for the really bizarre part? Yes, she's beautiful, and no, I don't care... granted it's a nice perk, but honestly, she could have six chins and a mole the size of Wisconsin in the middle of her forehead, and I would not care. Again, I would NOT care. Reason being that when we talk, even on the phone, I have this "perma-grin" that the little potter next door can't understand. I get off the phone with her, and I'm in the best mood... I feel like I could play basketball again, and not have to stop for oxygen... but I'm working on the smoking thing. I know that doesn't sound very "me," but that's how it is. Period. This part of the post is not up for discussion.

Well, it's late, and I'm going to wrap this up... not because I'm tired of writing about this, but because I've rambled on for a while and I hope I haven't bored you. Before I go, a couple more administrative things that I would ask you to do. One, pray that my sister gets a job, and that she's paid what she's worth... she's really very talented and a hard worker... a little bitchy at times, but you'll grow to enjoy that as I have. Two, pray that Travelocity sends me a farewatcher that is really, really low, so that I can book a few of them.

One more quick thing; one of my heroes, Hunter S. Thompson, the incredible author, upon whose writings I have taken so much pleasure, decided to put a bullet through his head tonight. There will never be another author that will ride the highs of Gonzo journalism such that Dr. Thompson did. I do not know why, and to be perfectly honest, I don't want to know why he did it. I'd rather just read his books with the passion that I have for them, and remember him as the individual that made me rediscover my love for the literary art. He was truly a genius, and I will miss him dearly. There's not another author on the planet that could string together such verse and such demonstrative verbage to make you think that you were right there with him, and to truly capture the feeling and sensation of the moment.

God rest your soul, Hunter S. Thompson, and I hope you find the peace in death that you could not find in life. To a true hero, at least mine... God speed, my friend.

Until next time... as always...



midnight lounge said...

G! We never caught up this weekend; definitely my fault. I'm giddy with joy reading you've reconnected with "12 years ago" girl...I can't wait to hear the details. If you do'nt have plans this weekend...we be chillin'.

Anonymous said...

I am super glad that you finally met (re-met) a person who makes you feel like that! It doesn't come around that often- if at all. Just remember Great Success(in anything) involves Great Risk, but if it's right- it's all worth it in the end. If you want this I hope you get the happy ending you deserve! Don't worry... she would be a fool not to reciprocate. UNTIL THEN- ENJOY THE RIDE MY FRIEND!!! GOD'S SPEED!

Elle Dee said...

Come on man...this is way something new...I know it's hard to be witty and charming all the time, but for christ's sake, how about an update? Ya know, like mine?
Yep, i'm a dork.
But as your sister, since we're related, you're just as much dork as me.