Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The rant you've been waiting for... Wedding Part 1

Well, my loyal readers, once again I must apologize. I know it's been a few days since I posted, and I'm sorry. I know you've all been waiting for the post about the wedding, and I haven't gotten to it yet. Quite honestly, I don't know if I'll get to it tonight. For one, it's late, and for two, I'm not sure if I've really collected all my thoughts about the subject yet.

The reason that I'm posting so late is that I had to watch the end of the Houston/St. Louis game. I was pretty sure Houston was going to pull it out and go to their first World Series ever, and I was even more confident when the 'Stros brought in Brad Lidge to close things out in the ninth. He struck out the first two batters of the inning, then went 0-2 to that little weasel David Eckstein (I don't know why, but I just can't stand the little twerp) who slapped a base hit into left field. The next batter came up, and Lidge served up a meatball to Albert Pujols who hit one that hasn't landed yet. Bummer. Either way, the Yanks are out of it this year, so to be perfectly honest, I could give a shit who wins this thing. But I digress.

Regardless, I guess I'll get on with it.

The wedding was a weird day in my life. A virtual myriad of feelings and emotions washed over me like a really nice tequila buzz; right up until the point where you know it's just a little too much. We don't know exactly where that line is, but we know when we cross it. Bear in mind, that's not to say that the wedding was a bit too much and I just couldn't handle it, but simply that I don't think that I was fully prepared. The question is; how do you prepare yourself for something like that? I know that for the last couple of months I've peppered this stupid blog with random rants and ravings about the impending nuptials, but to tell you the truth, I don't know how much literary rubbish I could spew that would prepare me for the thing. Not that it was too bad or too good or too whatever you want to name it; but it's just a weird thing. Let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, that Saturday, my sister and I headed off to the church with a pretty good hangover, two packs of cigarettes to get me through the day, and a big 'ol bottle of Gatorade in tow. I pity the people that drove behind us on the expressway out to Webster... they must have inhaled about two packs worth of second hand smoke. As I looked into the rear view mirror of the minivan, I noticed that my sister was doing the exact same thing I was... smoking her brains out. For those of you that don't smoke, I'm sure you pretty much think that we're both retards. For those of you that do indulge in cigarette smoking, you know exactly where I'm coming from. So now, 18 minutes and 3 cigarettes later, we arrive at the church. Yes, I know that's way too much smoking in such a short period of time, but try not to focus on the wrong part of the story. We park the cars, head in to this house of worship, and start with the obligatory "hi... yes, it's really good to see you too. Yes, it has been a while. Yes, I am happy for my mother. No, I haven't been to Jamestown lately. No, I'm not married yet. No, I don't have any kids. Yada, yada, yada." I think you get the idea.

On with the show.

We take our seats, and down the aisle walk my mom and John. Of course I snapped a few pictures, and then Father Stan asked us to please be seated. So here we are now, and I know it's coming. The little voice in my head said, "wait for it, wait for it, wait for it." And then it happened. My sister shed a few tears, which apparently is a queue to my psyche to follow suit. Why did I cry you ask? I haven't the foggiest, but I did. I can't lie. No, I didn't break down and weep like a little bitch with a skinned knee, but I did let the water works run for a minute or so. If that makes me a wuss, I'm OK with it. Anyway, we made it through the ceremony without any major disasters... except for the best man forgetting which pocket in his suit he stuck the rings in. For crying out loud, this guy has one job in this production. How many pockets are in the standard suit coat? 4? 5? I don't know. Either way, it was good. I needed the laugh.

Know what? I'm going to have to apologize and continue this tomorrow. It's getting late, I have the worst cold ever, and I think it's taking a toll on me. I know this is the first time I've ever done such a thing, but I'm going to have to slap the old, "to be continued" on this thing. Sorry if I got you involved and then backed out. I promise I'll make up for it within the next day or so. You have my word.

Until next time...


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