Sunday, January 23, 2005

Maybe you could do me a favor...

So here we are, back again... sunny frickin' Rochester, NY, and there's roughly 984 feet of snow on the ground. Notice that I said "roughly," so that's really just an estimate. Know what I hate most about the f'ing snow? Lemme tell ya. I f'ing hate having to trudge out there at 5:00 every day, except Sunday of course, to brush all that white crap off my car, just about break my f'ing hand (again) getting the lock open, using a f'ing crowbar to get the door open because of the ice, climbing in, turning the key that's now turned to some sort of ice-shiv in my hand, starting the f'ing thing, turning on the defrogers, front and rear, getting back out of the block of ice that is now my vehicle, using a f'ing hammer and chisel so that I can see out the damn window, brushing more of that slop off the hood and onto me (yeah, that's smart), and moving the whole f'ing mess to the other side of the street. If the cops in this town weren't all pretty much the Hitler Youth Movement of 2000 and beyond, I wouldn't even bother... but they are, so I do. That, my friends, is the biggest pain in the ass on the planet. "Yeah, no, I don't have off street parking, but it won't be a big deal... besides, the rent is really attractive." Yeah, ya know why the rent is so attractive? Because what you're saving in rent, you have to make up in snowshoes... I now own 26 pairs, in every color of the rainbow, mind you.

But whaddyagonnado? You gotta do it, or you pay the price. Go through all that crap so that you can live to park another day. Yes, I've had my share of parking tickets, and yes, I've had my car towed... which sucks out loud. I hate those people... just go trolling around town, looking for someone who's an inch too close to a fire hydrant, then towing them 20 miles away and charging them $100 the next day to get their own car back... if that isn't extortion, I don't know what is. Biggest hose job on the planet, but that's a whole other posting that I'm sure I'll revisit.

I guess that's kind of my mantra... do it or pay the price. I won't say that it's my mantra by choice, it's really more of something that's been thrust upon me. Well, on second thought, not just me (I'm not that special), but I think that's pretty much how it works for everyone; in business and in life. Think about it... if you're at work and you don't send out a contract to a customer, punch the clock on time, add up your tips, zero out your register, or whatever it is you do when you do whatever it is you do, there is a price to be paid. Same thing in life... if you don't make that phone call you said you'd make, pick up your buddy at the airport when you said you would, or go break into a friend's house to make sure that the water was still running so that the pipes didn't freeze and burst... there is a price to be paid. Decidedly, a different price than in the professional world, but a price just the same. The thing is... we all do it. We all make those decisions every day. Is it the fear of the price that we'll pay? Is that why we do the things we do, or is there another reason? Don't expect me to post the answer here... I don't know it. It's really more of a rhetorical thing.

I think that when you boil it all down, it's just how you're put together. I don't really think that when you actually initiate an action, you're not considering the consequences of if you don't do it. They say that for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction, but who really thinks about that? I had a friend that asked me to pick him up at the airport not too long ago... I said "sure." I didn't think about, "well, what if I say sure and then don't," or, "what's the consequence if I just tell him to go screw," I just did it... no big deal.

I sincerely think that I've been blessed with a group of friends that, for the most part, do the same thing... just react and do what's right. I once heard that after you do someone a favor, that you're in a very powerful position... that when someone thanks you for doing something, you should exercise that power for the future... that you should say, "you're welcome, and I know that if I needed a favor, you'd do the same for me." I don't think I like that... I think that puts a real damper on the fabric of society. Essentially what that says to me is that you only do favors because you can get something out of it. Maybe using the phrase, "fabric of society" is a little melodramatic. Maybe something like, "superfluous interaction of homosapiens" is better. Nah... considering that I'm not really sure what "superfluous" means, and I could be taking that way out of context. Regardless... sorry to sidebar, by the way... I think it's just about who we are. I know that was a long way to go for that, but again, it's my f'ing blog and I'll ramble if I want to. So there.

So that's it for tonight... gotta run... there's a snowbrush that's expecting me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Treat others the way you would want to be treated... no big secret. Wisdom is revealed through action, not talk.