Wednesday, October 19, 2005

As promised, the wedding, part 2

As I try to be a man of my word, I'll do my best to pick up where I left off... so here goes. Again, sorry for the interruption.

Hmmm... where was I? Ah, yes... the best man lost the rings. Anyway, after what seemed like roughly 3 hours of waiting for this dude to dig through his suit, he did eventually find them. Kinda funny, and it'll be something that mom & John will remember. My thinking is, hey, he found them, so no harm, no foul. On with the show. The priest does his thing, they say the "I do's" and now it's picture time... I just f'ing love picture time. I love 8 different cameras flashing in my face and 11 different people telling me when to smile. Sure enough, as the last few cameras were going off, my teeth started to dry, and I hate that feeling. So what do I do? Well, I close my mouth and lick my teeth. Of course, as I do that, 3 cameras flash. Can't wait to see the 8x10 glossies of those babies.

So now, it's off to the reception. And if you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know what's coming. Yes, it's the Beth factor. Ready? Good.

As advertised, Beth showed up with her new husband in tow. No problem whatsoever. The thing that was cool was this; I went up to them, she gave me a hug, I said "congratulations," and introduced myself to her husband. Just as I broke away from the embrace, I looked up and saw something that gave me the warmest feeling in the world and certainly a feeling of closure. It was almost like the feeling that I get whenever I happen to see a replay of the 1986 World Series and Mookie Wilson hit a routine ground ball that scooted through the legs of Bill Buckner. You know the feeling. Anyway, what did I see? Lemme tell ya.

I looked up, and saw her husband, and as God as my witness, he was wearing a bow tie. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Rychkid, you're just bitter and making this up, and by the way, nice minivan, geek." To silence my critics, I simply must respond. In anticipation of the response of my audience, I took a picture. I played the "Mom will want a shot of you two" card, and it worked to perfection. So, now, ladies and gentlemen, here it is; the bow tie in all its splendor. Brace yourself.

Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way...

Yes, I did crop out both his and her faces out of respect, and I would hate to think that the responsibility for the public mockery that both of them would undergo would rest squarely upon my shoulders.

Anyway, that was pretty much the last I saw of those two for the remainder of the day. Not that I tried to avoid them at all, I was just kind of wrapped up in other things... like the open bar that I unfortunately didn't really take advantage of.

Regardless, the whole dinner thing was great. My sister insisted on the two of us standing up before dinner and giving a toast, and I pretty much complied just to pacify her. Our toast was followed by mom's new husband, my new step-father, John. I gotta tell you, I don't know if what he said was something that he worked on prior to this thing and memorized it, or if it was something completely off the cuff, but he did a great job. Once again, and I'm secure enough to say it, the whole thing brought a tear to my eye. I believe that my mother is truly happy, and that John will treat her right.

Well, having now gone through all the wedding stuff, and I'm sorry that is was as uneventful as this post, I'll let you know what happened after...

My buddy Todd called, and told me that some of the boys were heading downtown. As I was certainly in the drinking mood after the long day I had, I was more than willing to head to downtown Rochester in all it's glory. I'm sorry to say, especially to one of my loyal readers in Oakfield that refers to her dog as Bradylicious, that I don't have any good drunk pictures from the remainder of the night. I really should have had my camera... these would have been some keepers.

I met the boys at Barfly, headed over to Soho, and finally wound up at Alexander Street Pub. Once again I was in luck. Rochester's best live band, The Taint, was playing again. Now, before I go on with this part of the story, bear in mind that I'm wearing a suit, tie, and overcoat. Having been seen by Anthony (bass) and John (vocals), they mercilessly brought me up on stage in my drunken state to do "Bring the Noize" by Anthrax & Public Enemy. Oh yeah, did I mention that I had a few shots before I got up there and that I was plastered? No? Oh, well, I was. To this day, I don't know how bad I massacred that song, or if I was a stellar version of Chuck D. Either way, doing a song with those guys is one of my favorite things in the world. Thanks guys.

So, that's the story. Sorry if the build-up didn't lead up to a more eventful post, but it didn't. Believe me, I wish I had something amazing that I could write about (aside from the bow tie) that would up my readership. Well, maybe next time.

Once again, ladies and germs, it's gotten to be really late and I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow... I really need some sleep because this cold is absolutely kicking my ass.

I'll wrap it up... Mom's married, Beth is with some dude that has a thing for bow ties, my sister is more sensitive than I thought, I know all the words to a Public Enemy rap song, and all is right with the world. Now where the hell did I put the Drixoral?

Until next time...



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