Monday, October 10, 2005

That was a great burger. Now, am I going to McHell?

Well, here's the latest...

Unfortunately, I don't really have time to write about the whole wedding thing right now. I have to work with my boss tomorrow and there's a ton of stuff that I have to do to prepare. Thank God I don't have to clean the house again.

This is going to be a really short post, but a post, nonetheless.

Friday night, my sister came into town. Pat & I went to the hockey game, but cut out early to catch the end of the Yanks game back at my place... better known as the corner apartment. Regardless, we picked up my sister, and headed to Johnny's. After about 3 beers and 10 shots, we decided to head out, simply because we knew Saturday would be a long day. My sister apparently had a buzz on because she asked if we could stop at McDonald's for a happy meal. So we stop, pick up a happy meal, and start to head home. Now, bear in mind, I am not making this up and I have the pics to prove it.

Maybe I'm a little out of the loop, and maybe this character is supposed to represent something happy and joyous, and maybe in another picture this thing is handing out balloon animals to stray kittens and passing out cotton candy to terminally ill penguins, but this thing is downright scary. If someone, anyone knows what this is, please shoot me over an email so that I can be in the know. Anyway, here it is;

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's some sort of tribal chieftain with a goat skull affixed to his head, and he's extending his hands in a very welcoming manner. Now, if this isn't enough, when you lift the arms up, that little dot in the center of the thing on his chest shines a red light up into his face. It's just like when you're telling a ghost story and you hold a flashlight under your chin to make yourself look evil... apparently, that's the look they're going for. I tried to get a pic of that cute little effect that you want children of happy meal age embracing, but the damn flash kept going off and I'm evidently too much of a moron to figure out how to simply turn the stupid thing off. Anyway, here's my best effort; Yeah, I know it didn't come out too good, but you get the general idea.

Who's running the happy meal toy division over at Mickey D's? Alistair Crowley? Picture that marketing meeting. "Hey guys, yeah, I like the whole 'free fries' idea, but we're really not tapping into that Satanic demographic of happy meal consumers. That's something I'd really like to tackle. Now, after you're done sacrificing that kitten, pass me the goat blood and I want three evil toy ideas from each of you by 5:00. And, no, I don't want anymore 'free pentagram tattoo with every Shamrock Shake' ideas out of you, Johnson. That's been done to death."

Like I said, this is going to be a short post. I'm hungry and I've got a bunch of preparing to do before tomorrow comes. Maybe I'll hit up Subway for dinner... I hear they're giving away free bags of glass shards with the purchase of any foot long sub.

Until next time...



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