Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Such a mess...

Why is it that I seem to be able to slide into a relationship SO easily, but getting out is arguably the most difficult thing on the planet? I really don't think that I'm that great a catch, but I have been viamently disagreed with a few times... well, several times. Of course, I'm speaking in generalities. Quite honestly, I wish my entire love life could be like Vegas. Now I don't mean that "love's a gamble" and all that lover's lament crap. I mean that in Vegas (the greatest place in the entire universe, by the way), everyone is there for the same reason; to have a good time. No one's looking to find a long-term thing, no one's looking for commitment, no one's looking for someone that would be a good provider (well, maybe for a couple of hours), yada, yada, yada. Regardless, the point I'm trying to make here is that I wish that in each relationship that I get myself into, that there were no complications... that both parties are here to have fun, but in a couple of days we're getting back on the plane and headed back to the solace of our cozy little corner apartments. No jealousy, no promises, and no regrets.

Now, granted, if I were in Vegas and hit a slot for a couple mil I might take a little time off from playing the slots at all. Same thing with the whole relationship train wreck; if I could just find one that would be the female equivalent of hitting a really big slot, I would, in fact settle down. I know it's trite, comparing the whole dating paradigm to a Vegas trip, but this is my blog and I can be stupid about some things if I want to.

Anyway, that's my take on that.

1 comment:

Donkey Punch said...

Roch-cha-cha! I grew up there. Like what you had to say concerning relationships, it should be like a never ending roller coaster, and it's not impossible if you meet the right person, I think things go wrong when communication fails, as long as communication is there, the joy ride will never end because there is understanding.