Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Buffett in Vegas... Is there a better weekend? I think not.

Well, sorry for not posting in a few days to you, my loyal readers, but I've been in fabulous Las Vegas since Friday seeing the great Jimmy Buffett with two of my best friends in the whole wide world, Chris & John.

I have an early meeting tomorrow, so I don't have time to go through the whole trip now, but here's a couple pics to tide you over. Brief synopsis; started around 1PM at the pre-show party at Margaritaville, where they had an entire street closed off with bands, booze, and drunken wackos like myself in full Parrot Head regalia. Here's a couple quick shots from that. I think my fav is the two guys with blue mohawks that wrote "FINS UP" on the side of their respective heads. Good stuff.I simply had to get a shot of the hats on these chicks.

Anyway... after a few Margaritas (of course) and a bunch of Coronas and "loaded Coronas," which I found out is Corona with a shot of lime-flavored Margaritaville brand tequila poured into the bottle. Yeah... it's really good, and it gets the job done. In hindsight, that's all I need... something to get me ripped faster. Now you people have me pouring tequila in my beer. Is it wrong when you refer to all alcohol as "pain-go-bye-bye juice?" I might as well check myself into Betty Ford right now and move to Utah. At least there I could avoid the whole monogamy thing and ski a lot. Then again, I hate the cold and I hate skiing, and I don't think the whole Mormon thing makes a lot of sense... anyway, never mind. Suffice it to say that by the time I left that pre-show party I was in a really good mood. Regardless, on with the day and the beat goes on.

Next was the second pre-show party back at the MGM around 4:00. Good stuff, aside from the old bitch that came up to our table and said that she had it "saved." We said, "OK," and sat there for another 10 minutes, finished our beers, and watched her revel in her annoyance that we didn't immediately jump up, kow tow, and pull out the chair for her old ass. The band started at the other pool, so we eventually left so that she could have her "saved" table. We figured, "hey, she's old, she's trying to get into heaven, so let her have her table... even though she is a bitch. But I digress.

It was a great party, but MGM was a little crazy with security. They actually had Nevada State Troopers walking around the party. Normally this would make me nervous and annoy the hell out of me, but these cops were actually all right... aside from the whole slapping the cuffs on me thing.

Not to worry, my loyal readers... I didn't actually get arrested. I just thought it would be a funny pic. You can exhale now.

Anyway, after we gave out about 200 strings of beads that we brought in an effort to make friends, and drank about 726 beers, and smoked 83 packs of cigarettes, into the show we headed. Again, I don't have the time to get into the whole thing, but it was awesome, as usual. One thing about going to a show at the MGM arena that you should know is that while security is tight outside, but inside is pretty f'ing lax. Let me explain. I walked in with my digital camera in the outside pocket of my shorts and it set off the metal detector when I walked in. I told the clown running the thing that I did, in fact, have a digital camera in my aforementioned outside pocket of my aforementioned shorts. The aforementioned clown told me to just walk over to the desk (about 20 yards away) and check my camera. So what did I do? I walked right into the arena, got a couple beers, and John and I headed to our seats, camera in tow. I got some great shots of Buffett, but I think if I post them here I'm going to get into some trouble. Suffice it to say I got some awesome shots of my idol in concert.

Now, bear in mind, it's Halloween weekend while we're there. Halloween in Vegas. Just take a stab at what kind of wierdos come out of the woodwork. Tons. However, I did see a great costume, and had to have my picture taken with them. If you're a fan of Reno 911, you'll appreciate this. If not, it's on Comedy Central (channel 38 here in Rochester), and it's hilarious.

I just noticed that if you look at my eyes in this picture, you can get a pretty good indication of how much alcohol I ingested that day. Jesus, I can't believe I kept going. Yes, you read that correctly, but that's a whole other post.

Anyway, like I said, I have an early meeting tomorrow, and I still have some stuff to do before I actually attend this thing. I'm sorry that I've been writing my posts in pieces lately, but such is life. Deal with it.

Having said that, I'll get going. Think I better find a good lawyer that specializes in a drunken Margarita binges.

Until next time...


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