Monday, November 07, 2005


This is probably the most embarrassing thing I have posted so far. I won't go as far as saying that it's the most embarrassing thing that I will post, because those of you that know me know full well that I have a great knack for embarrassing myself without the benefit of digital media, but someday, somewhere, someone might catch a different pic that will be just as horrible.

I'm only posting this because I told the 5 Dog that I would, and I'm a man of my word. We went out Saturday night, and the Rychkid had a little too much to drink. Strange, I know. Regardless, he came back to my place, and I had the uncontrollable desire to go into my office and play guitar. It made a lot of sense at the time. The reason for the title, "Huh?" is simply this. 5 told me that my response to virtually every question that he asked me was just that... "huh?" So, without further adieu, here is the picture lovingly entitled, "huh?". Check out those eyes. Wow. Anybody notice the half full bottle of Corona on the table. Yeah, maybe water would have been the better choice at that stage of the game.

Anyway, I spent most of the day Sunday recovering and not picking up my phone. Since the Bills were on a bye and I have a TV in my bedroom, there wasn't a ton of motivation for me to rouse myself from my bed.

You'll be glad to know, my loyal readers, that I have managed to fully recover, and all is right with the world... at least until next weekend.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

are you ever going to update this thing?

Anonymous said...

I wanna' party wit you hair-gellin', silk shirt wearin' New Yok boyz!!!miss you guyz--Heather Chicago

Anonymous said...

Donger-that's what you get for hangin' out with 5!