Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Again with the thumb...

So get this... if you're a loyal reader of my stuff, you know the deal about the thumb and who broke it and how and me passing out and yada, yada, yada. Anyway, as I was watching my beloved Yankees last night, who comes up to bat but... you guessed it, Mark Bellhorn in a Yankees uniform. What are the odds? Last I knew, this clown was playing for my arch rivals, the Boston Red Sox and I hated him because he broke my thumb, and now he's in pinstripes and I pretty much have to like him. Irony. Bitter, bitter irony.

I think it must be a sign; a Red Sox scumbag breaks my thumb, and now he's playing for my favorite team in all of sport. It's a sign. I'm sold... might as well chalk up world championship number 27.

In other news, while on the thumb topic, after the injury, I got a call from Dan Mason, GM of the Rochester Red Wings. All I can say is, what a guy. He said that he was really sorry about the injury, and that next time I wanted to come to a game, he'd take care of me. I told him that he need not apologize... I go to a bunch of games and I know this sort of thing happens every now and again. I complimented him on the professionalism of the emergency staff and thanked him for the phone call. What a nice guy... completely unnecessary, but he did it anyway. That's good stuff. Anyway, I called him today and asked if I could take him up on his offer. He said, "absolutely," and told me that there'll be 2 tickets waiting for me at will call tomorrow night. He also offered to have some of the players sign a ball for me, but I told him that he'd done more than enough already. I gotta say, I am totally impressed with this guy.

This brings up an interesting point. Think about other businesses and what happens when they screw up (not to say that the Rochester Red Wings screwed up at all... I made a lousy attempt at fielding the stupid ball). The answer is, pretty much nothing. Say your cable goes out for a few hours. Does Time Warner call you up and say, "hey, we're going to pro-rate your bill for this month because the service that you over-pay for every month sucked."? I think not. The day that happens is the same day that Tara Reid finally starts returning my phone calls.

More good news... my buddy in Charlotte called me up with the news that he has a bunch of tickets to see the great Jimmy Buffett in, of all places, fabulous Las Vegas on Saturday, October 29th. Can I go? Uh, yeah. I'm all in. Great thing is... non-stop flights from Buffalo are only like $200. I'll be gone Friday through Sunday night. Yeah, you could say I'm excited.

Anyway, again, I must apologize for this post. I know they're usually a little more philosophical than this, but I'm really tired and I don't think the creative juices have managed to surface yet.

By the way, if you haven't been there yet, you simply must give this place a try. It's pretty much my favorite watering hole in Rochester. It's busy, but not so much so that you have to fight for a drink. He always has great bands, and after about your 3rd time in there, he'll start calling you by name. It's called Johnny's Irish Pub, and it's on Culver & Merchants toward Irondequoit. You can pretty much find me there every Friday night... although not this Friday... I have plans... a bunch of us are going out for my buddy's birthday. Happy Birthday, Russ. I know it was Monday the 29th, but Happy Birthday anyway. I'll buy you a shot or 5 on Friday.

On that note, I'm going to sign off. Gotta go play a chess match between my thumb and my heart. OK, Bellhorn, you won this round.

Until next time...


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