Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Honestly, I never thought it would be possible for me to find or need another reason to hate the Boston Red Sox, but as I sit here and try to type with just my right hand, I do have yet another. Last week, Mark Bellhorn, 2nd baseman for the loathesome Boston Red Sox, was sent to Boston's AAA affiliate, the Pawtucket Red Sox on a 20 day rehab assignment due to a spraigned thumb. Well, last night, those same Pawtucket Red Sox were in Rochester playing against our own Rochester Red Wings. In the third inning of the second game of the double-header, Bellhorn ripped a foul ball right at me. I stood up, assumed the correct position to properly field the ball, when this rocket of a hit took a wierd hop, jumped up, and hit my left thumb on the very tip. The ball either ripped the nail backwards or pushed it back, and... BOOM... blood everywhere. I ran to the first aid station, got cleaned up, and promptly passed out on the gurney. When I finally came to, they wheeled me out of the stadium on the gurney, as people watched in horror at my terrible disfigurement. They rushed me to the hospital, where x-rays revealed that the ball had broken the tip of the bone OFF!!! Anyway, they casted me up, gave me a tetanus shot, and sent me home with a Vicatin prescription. I look like Mickey frickin' Mouse with this thing on. However, because typing with one hand is a world class pain in the ass, I'll write some more at a later date. Damn you Mark Bellhorn, and damn that team full of hippies for which you play. Thanks for getting me out of work for a couple of days at least. Until next time... R Posted by Picasa

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