Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Poker, Saddam & Writer's Block

So here's the latest. I've really been getting into poker lately... to a fault. So much so that I've actually learned all the slang for different pocket hands, and here they are... thought it was kind of cool. By the way, if anyone wants to play me, my ID on partypoker.com is, you guessed it... Rychkid.

A-A: Bullets or Rockets
A-K: Big Slick
K-K: Cowboys
K-J: Kojack
K-9: Old Yeller
Q-Q: Ladies
J-A: Jackass
J-Q: Oedipus
J-J: Fishhooks
J-5: Motown
8-8: Snowmen
7-7: Walking Sticks
6-6: Route 66
5-5: Speed Limit
4-4: Sailboats
3-3: Crabs
2-2: Ducks

Can you tell I haven't been sleeping a whole hell of a lot lately? I have no idea what time I went to bed last night... all I know is that it was freaking late, or early, depending on your perspective. Good God, I need this f'ing thumb to hurry up and heal... I really need to get back to work at least for my own sanity. This sitting around the house, drinking martinis at night, playing poker and sleeping until noon thing is getting really old really quick. Oddly enough, I was actually serious about that last statement.

Once again, I think I have what's classically referred to as writer's block. From what I understand, that's supposed to be a good sign. Maybe my creative juices are just swarming so feverishly that not a one of the little boogers can find it's way to the surface. Maybe there's just so much going on in my life and the world that I don't have a good point of origin. Maybe my thumb injury has done something to the part of my brain that creativity spawns from, or maybe I've had 2 Diet Vanilla Pepsis, 5 cigarettes and I've typed 3 whole paragraphs. I think the buzz from staring at this monitor is giving me brain damage.

Here's something random; when is this Saddam Hussein trial supposed to start, and are they going to broadcast it on Court TV? That's something I would tune in for. Wouldn't it be funny if they went through the whole trial process and a jury found him not guilty? That might be a little awkward. "Yeah, uh... sorry about that whole invasion thing. You just seemed like such a dick from a distance." I would pay green money to see Dubya and his aides tap dance around that one. However, you and I know that my little scenario will unfortunately never come to pass. Bummer.

I think at this point, it's just time to call it quits for today. Whatever trash I write is going to be an exercise in literary masturbation. This is not good writing. I know this and I apologize. Hopefully something will happen later today or tonight and I can over-analyze it and write all about it later tonight or tomorrow.

Until then, I gotta get going... there's a $5/$1 sit-n-go tournament starting.

Until next time...


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